Quizzes & Surveys

Research Day 8

Welcome to your Research Day 8

September 16, 2024

Attempt all questions

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Research Day 7

Welcome to your Research Day 7

September 16, 2024


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Research Day 6

Welcome to your Research Day 6

September 16, 2024

Attempt all numbers.

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Palliative Care Week 1 Exam

Welcome to your Palliative Care Week 1 Exam

September 16, 2024

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Time Allowed: 2 hours

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Palliative Care Day 4

Welcome to your Palliative Care Day 4

September 16, 2024

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Time Allowed: 20 min

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Palliative Care Day 3

Welcome to your Palliative Care Day 3

September 16, 2024

Attempt All Numbers

Time Allowed : 25 mininutes

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Palliative Care Day 2

Welcome to your Palliative Care Day 2

September 16, 2024

Time Allowed: 20 mins

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Palliative Care Day 1

Welcome to your Palliative Care Day 1

Attempt all Questions

Time Allowed: 20 min

September 16, 2024

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Teaching Methodology Week One Exam

Welcome to your Teaching Methodology Week One Exam

Attempt all Questions

Do Not ReDO the paper unless you are told to do so.

Time allowed: 1:30 mins.

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Teaching Methodology Day 4 Quiz

Welcome to your Teaching Methodology Day 4 Quiz

10 MCQ's

Which of the following is a quality of a good objective?

Which domain of educational objectives deals with physical skills and movements?

What is the primary focus of the cognitive domain of educational objectives?

What does the affective domain of educational objectives include?

What do teaching methods refer to?

What do you understand by learning activities in teaching methods?

Which teaching method is best suited for larger groups of students?

Which of the following best describes teaching strategies?

What do instructional objectives focus on?

Which type of objective is usually broad in focus and aligns with the institution's goals?

Teaching Methodology Day 4 Quiz Read More »

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