1. Which of the following controls the release of gonadotrophins?
2. Which of the following is not a gonad tropic substance?
3. The following are used in the treatment of infertility except?
4. Which of the following is NOT a contraindication of follicle stimulating hormone?
5. Which of the following drugs is NOT an ANABOLIC STEROID?
6. Which of the following is the drug choice for erectile dysfunction?
7. Which of the following is a uterine relaxant?
8. What is the most dangerous adverse effect of ergometrine?
9. Which of the following is a common side effect of anticancer drugs?
10. Which of the following drugs would a nurse keep under lock and key?
11. Which of the following is an anxiety disorder common among children?
12. Which of the following is the first stage of aggressions and violence?
13. Which of the following is the most likely disorder after rape and defilement?
14. Which of the following is NOT a known cause of delirium?
15. JADIL is 12years old and his mother has to take care of him as though he is a 6 year old. What is his 1.Q
16. A disorder characterized by violation of rules of society and abuse of others rights
17. Patients with substance abuse would benefit from?
18. A childhood disorder characterized by lack of social smile not even to the mother is called?
19. The commonest form of epileptic seizures is
The psychiatric emergency which presents with sudden outbursts of collapse and fear of doom is.
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This is so interesting, it’s making me more knowledgeable and improving my research speed too.
Oh interesting questions
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Galactorrhea for milk production in males and Gynaecostia for breast enlargement in males number 21
But number 21 check the correct answer, the question is asking acondition where milk is produced in men which is Galactorrhea Not Gynecomastia breast enlargement in males. Some light please in that number
nice qns they have guided me how and where to read
Very impressive
It is a source of knowledge
These questions are good but ain’t easy
Am a midwife but I got the question very difficult I would request for correction right now so that I can also learn
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My time was over b4 finishing d questions,how do I retake coz I’m trying it’s refusing
I was out of time but this is so interesting
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