Communication and Human relations

Communication and Human relations

Communication and Human relations

Communication is the exchange of information/messages between the  sender and a receiver. Therefore communication means giving and receiving  information. 

In teaching and learning communication is the exchange of ideas, feelings and knowledge between the teacher and the learner. 

Communication is effective when the sender of information is well  understood by the audience/receiver. This is the ultimate goal of  communication.  

Channels/Media of communication: Ways through which information or  messages can be delivered or sent to the receivers. 

These channels include;

Face to faceDirect interaction between the teacher and nursing students. This includes in-person lectures, discussions, and demonstrations.
RadiosUtilizing radio broadcasts to disseminate educational content and information to nursing students.
TelevisionUtilizing television programs or channels for educational purposes, such as televised lectures or instructional videos.
Electronic media (e.g., radio, TV)Utilizing electronic media platforms, including radio and television, to deliver educational content to nursing students.
Print media (newspapers, magazines, journals)Utilizing printed materials like newspapers, magazines, and journals to provide educational information and resources to nursing students.
Social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)Utilizing social media platforms for communication, collaboration, and sharing educational resources among nursing students and instructors.
Body language (gestures and postures)Non-verbal communication through facial expressions, hand gestures, and body postures that convey meaning and enhance understanding in teaching.
Phone callCommunicating with nursing students through telephone conversations to provide guidance, clarification, or feedback.
DrummingUsing rhythmic patterns and beats of drums as a means of communication and engagement in teaching.
SingingIncorporating songs or musical elements to convey information, facilitate memorization, or create a positive learning environment.
PostersVisual aids in the form of printed posters with relevant information, diagrams, or illustrations to support learning.
Drama (acting)Using theatrical techniques, role-playing, or simulated scenarios to enhance understanding, empathy, and critical thinking.
ChartsVisual representations in the form of diagrams, graphs, or tables to illustrate concepts, processes, or data .
EmailElectronic communication through email for exchanging information, assignments, feedback, and other educational purposes .

It includes both traditional and modern methods of communication, taking into account the unique needs of nursing education.

Types of Communication

Communication TypeDescription
Verbal CommunicationCommunication through spoken words, such as speeches, conversations, or reciting poems.
Body Language CommunicationCommunication through non-verbal cues, including gestures, facial expressions, and body postures.
Written CommunicationCommunication through written texts, including books, letters, journals, and other written materials.
Visual CommunicationCommunication through visual elements, such as visual aids, PowerPoint projectors, maps, symbols, or television.

Factors to Consider in Communication/Components of Communication

  1. Content: The information or message you want to convey is an important factor to consider in communication. It is crucial to ensure that the content is clear, relevant, and easily understandable by the audience.

  2. Nature of Audience: Understanding the characteristics and needs of the audience is essential in effective communication. Consider factors such as age, education level, cultural background, and prior knowledge to tailor your message accordingly and ensure it resonates with the audience.

  3. Channel/Media of Communication: Choosing the most appropriate channel or medium to deliver your message is vital. Consider the nature of your content and the preferences of your audience. Options include face-to-face interactions, written materials, visual aids, electronic media, or social media platforms.

  4. Feedback or Response from the Receiver: Communication is a two-way process, and it is important to consider the feedback or response from the receiver. Pay attention to their reactions, questions, or comments to gauge their understanding and address any concerns or misunderstandings.

  5. Nature of the Sender: The sender’s characteristics and approach can influence the effectiveness of communication. Factors such as credibility, clarity of expression, confidence, and empathy play a role in how the message is received by the audience.

Barriers to Effective Communication

  1. Language Barrier: When the sender and receiver do not share a common language or have difficulties understanding each other’s language, it creates a barrier to effective communication. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of messages can occur.

  2. Lack of Interest: If both the sender and receiver lack interest in the communication process, it hinders effective communication. When individuals are not engaged  in the conversation, the message may not be received or understood as intended.

  3. Inappropriate Channel or Communication: Choosing the wrong channel or mode of communication can hinder effective communication. Different situations and messages require different channels, and using an inappropriate one can lead to confusion or misinterpretation.

  4. Environmental Obstacles: Environmental factors such as noise, unpleasant smells, or uncomfortable temperatures can create distractions and hinder effective communication. These obstacles can disrupt concentration and make it difficult for the message to be properly conveyed and understood.

  5. Poor Timing: Timing plays a crucial role in effective communication. Communicating at an inappropriate time, such as when someone is busy or preoccupied, can lead to a lack of attention or receptiveness. It is important to choose the right moment to ensure effective communication.

  6. Perception of the Receiver: The way the receiver perceives the message or the sender can affect communication. Preconceived notions, biases, or prejudices can hinder understanding and lead to misinterpretation or resistance to the message.

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