Catatonic stupor syndrome in schizophrenic patients
Catatonic schizophrenia is also the same as catatonic stupor syndrome. So before we start with catatonic stupor, lets begin by understanding Schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA Introduction Schizophrenia is one of the most severe forms of mental illnesseswhich tend to run a downward trend. It affects 1% of the generalpopulation.The term schizophrenia was coined in 1908 by SwishPsychiatrist…
Panic Attacks and Disorders
Panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. OR A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no apparent cause Panic Disorder is the recurrent and unexpected panic attacks and long periods in constant fear of another attack. Cause of panic attacks The…
Aggression and Violence
Aggression: It is harsh physical or verbal action intended to harm or injure another person. OR Aggression is verbal expression of readiness to cause an attack with threats. Violence: is threat with physical attack that results into harm. OR Violence is showing marked physical force causing harm being inflicted on another person…
Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
Suicide Suicide is the deliberate act of ending one’s life Suicide refers to deliberate act of self harm that result into death. Reasons for committing suicide To solve problems like adultery for his/her spouse, poverty, stigma, discrimination, To harm others incase of anger to parents decisions for children. To end life in-case of terminal illnesses…
Introduction to research Research is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem Research is a term derived from the combination of two words: “re” and “search.” “Re” is a prefix meaning “again” or “anew,” and “search” is a verb signifying a close and careful examination, testing, probing,…
Concepts of Primary Health Care
Concepts of Primary Health Care – PHC Essential Health Care: This is the care that meets the local needs of majority that enable individual to live a socially and economically productive life. Practically, scientifically sound methods and technology: The health care system should be able to solve the health problems in that community. Accessibility Health…
Anaemia in Pregnancy
ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY Anaemia during pregnancy refers to a condition where the red blood cell count or haemoglobin level in the mother’s blood is lower than normal. Anaemia in pregnancy is defined as haemoglobin (Hb) concentration is less than 11 g/dl. Anaemia means a reduction in oxygen carrying capacity or in quantity of red blood…
Domiciliary Care
Domiciliary care is an obstetric care given to a mother in her home during pregnancy, labour and puerperium Types of Domiciliary Care Type one domiciliary midwifery care “continuity:; In this type the woman is cared for in her home all through during antenatal period delivery and postnatal care. The woman will only visit a health…
Terms used in Anatomy and Physiology
Terms commonly used in Anatomy will be understood after these abbreviations are understood since they will be used occasionally. Ach: AcetylcholineACTH: Adrenal Cortico- trophic HormoneADH: Anti diuretic HormoneANS: Autonomic Nervous SystemATP: Adenosine Tri PhosphateC: Cervical, cervical vertebrae, (i.e. C4 cervical vertebrae 4)cm: CentimeterCNS: Central Nervous SystemCRH: Corticotropin Releasing HormoneCSF: Cerebrospinal FluidDNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid/d: Per…
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE Pulmonary hemorrhage (PH) is a serious condition in children, characterized by bleeding into the alveoli and airways of the lungs. Pulmonary haemorrhage is an acute bleeding from the lung, from the upper respiratory tract, the trachea, and the alveoli. Pulmonary hemorrhage (PH) in infants is a serious condition characterized by bleeding into the…