Updated Curriculum
Year One Semester One
- CN 111: Anatomy & Physiology l and First Aid
Anatomy and Physiology 1
- Terms used in Anatomy and Physiology
- Human body organization
- Atoms, molecules and compounds
- Cell structure and function
- Tissue structure and function
- Blood and its composition
- Cardiovascular system
- Lymphatic system
- Digestive system
- Skeletal system
- Muscular system
First aid
CN 112
- Foundations of Nursing 1 and Computer
Foundations of nursing 1
- Subtopic: History of Nursing
- Subtopic: The role of the nurse
- Subtopic: Code of conduct for Nurses
- Subtopic: Nursing ethics and etiquette
- Subtopic: Medico-legal issues
- Subtopic: Composition and role of the health facility team
- Subtopic: Patient’s rights
- Subtopic: Nurses’ rights
- Subtopic: Nursing and the law
- Subtopic: Nursing standards and qualities of a nurse
- Subtopic: General principles and rules of all nursing procedures
- Subtopic: Hospital economy
- Subtopic: Use of personal protective equipment
- Subtopic: Routine and weekly cleaning of the ward
- Subtopic: Waste management and disposal
- Subtopic: Isolation of infectious patients
- Subtopic: Causes of infection
- Subtopic: Medical Waste disposal and management
- Subtopic: Cleaning methods
- Subtopic: Carry out adequate feeding of patients
- Subtopic: Perform bladder and bowel care
- Subtopic: Passing a flatus tube
- Subtopic: Administration of enema
- Subtopic: Ward Report
- Subtopic: Lifting/positioning a patient
- Subtopic: Tepid sponging
- Subtopic: General principles in patient care
- Subtopic: Ethics in nursing care
- Subtopic: Principles of Infection prevention and control
- Subtopic: Body mechanics
- Subtopic: Bed making
- Subtopic: Vital observations
- Subtopic: Bed bath
- Subtopic: Oral care/mouth care
- Subtopic: Care and treatment of pressure
Computer (to be assessed at school
- Introduction to computer and computing
- Introduction to Microsoft computer packages
- Introduction to internet use
- Maintenance of the computers and their components
CN 113
- Personal and Communal health & Microbiology
- Concepts of Microbiology
- Classification and types of Microorganisms
- Pathogenic microorganisms
- Normal flora
- Characteristics and mode of spread of
disease causing Microorganisms - Pathological effects of microorganisms
- Simple laboratory tests
- Infection prevention and control
- Introduction to Immunity
- Antibodies
- Principles of immunization
Introduction to personal and communal health
- Concepts of personal and communal
health - Determinants of Health
- Dimensions of Health
Personal Hygiene
- Introduction to personal hygiene
- Cleanliness of skin and its appendages
- Cleanliness of the inside of the body
- Special groups in personal hygiene
- Clothing and foot wear
Concepts in communicable diseases
- Disease causation and prevention
- Disease transmission cycle
- Levels of disease prevention
- Introduction to environmental hygiene/sanitation
- Housing
- Ventilation heating and lighting
- Safe water supply
- Food hygiene
- Sanitation
114: Practicals
Year One Semester Two
- CN 121: Anatomy & Physiology 2
Anatomy and physiology 2
- The Respiratory system
- The Urinary System
- The Endocrine system
- The Nervous system
- Organs of Special Senses
- The Reproductive system
CN 122
- Foundations of Nursing 2, Sociology and psychology
Foundations of Nursing 2
- Topic: Perform specialized nursing care
- Wound dressing
- Colostomy Care
- Abdominis Paracentesis (Abdominal Tapping)
- Vulva Toilet /Swabbing
- Oxygen Administration
- Lumbar Puncture
- Nasogastric tube to feed patients
- Gastrostomy Feeding
- Gastric Lavage
- Catheterization
- Tracheostomy Care
- Care of patients on traction
- Prepare for application of orthopedic
splints - Bandaging
- Nursing Process
- Take history of the patient
- Perform Physical examination of the
patient - Making a Nursing care plan
- Admission of a patient
- Nursing process
- Drug Administration
- Transfer patients
- Discharge of patients
- Last Office
Sociology and psychology
- Definitions of terms used in Sociology
- Human groups and their effects on man
- Culture, beliefs and practices in relation to
health - socio-cultural factors influencing the
behaviour of an individual - Socialization
- Social aspects of diseases
- Social aspects of hospitalization
- Urbanization and delivery of health
services - Nurse-patient relationship
- Concepts of Psychology
- Psychological Development
- Personality
- Psychological aspects in nursing care of patients
- Mental Defense Mechanisms
- Stress and Stressors
- Emotions
CN 123
- Primary health care
Topic: Introduction to Primary health care
Subtopic: Concepts of Primary Health Care
Subtopic: Principles, Pillars and components/
elements of Primary Health Care
Subtopic: Introduction to community based health
Subtopic: Community participation
Subtopic: Community organization
Subtopic: Community Mobilization
Subtopic: Community empowerment
Subtopic: Community entry
Subtopic: Carry out community survey and
Subtopic: Carry out Home visiting
Subtopic: Conduct community feedback meetings
124: Practicals
Year Two Semester One
- CN211: Medical Nursing (I) and Pharmacology (I)
Introduction to Medical Nursing
- Terms used in Medical Nursing
- General causes of disease in the human body
- Levels of disease prevention
- General principles of managing disease
- Conditions of the circulatory system
- General signs and symptoms of
Cardiovascular disorders
- Inflammatory disorders of the Heart and Blood Vessels
- Congestive Cardiac Failure
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Arteriosclerosis
- Embolism
- Hypertension
Hematologic disorders
- Anaemia
- Leukemia
- Coagulation disorders
Conditions of the respiratory system
- Common cold
- Sinusitis
- Tonsillitis
- Influenza
- Pharyngitis
- Laryngitis
- Otitis Media
- Pneumonia
- Bronchitis
- Tuberculosis
- Asthma
- Emphysema
Introduction to Pharmacology
CN 212
- Surgical Nursing (I) and Gynecological Nursing
Surgical Nursing (I)
- Introduction to surgical Nursing
- History of surgery
- Terms used in surgical nursing
- Aseptic technique
- Special investigations in surgical nursing
- Pre-operative nursing
- Peri-operative nursing
- Post-Operative Nursing care
- Natural body defense mechanisms
- Immunity
- Inflammation
Specific surgical infections
- Anthrax
- Tetanus
- Gangrene
- Common surgical conditions
- Surgical Shock
- Burns
- Haemorrhage
- Blood Transfusion
- Fluids and Electrolyte Imbalance
- Tumors
- Fractures
- Wounds
Gynaecologic Nursing
CN 213
- Paediatric Nursing (i)
Pediatric Nursing (I)
- Characteristic features of a normal infant and child
- Care of the new born
- Child growth and development
- Breastfeeding and its effects on child growth and development
- Child health and nutrition
- Methods in determining the nutritional status of children
- Malnutrition in children
Palliative Care
- Hospice concept
- Communication process
- Pain and pain control
- Symptom and symptom control
- Spiritual needs in cancer/ AIDS patients
- Bereavement
- Death and dying
- Stress
224: Practicals
Year Two Semester Two
- CN 221: Medical Nursing (ll) and Pharmacology (ll)
Medical Nursing(ii)
Conditions of the digestive system
- Stomatitis
- Gastritis
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Jaundice
- Hepatitis
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Cholecystitis
Medical conditions of the urinary system
Medical conditions of the Central Nervous
- General signs and symptoms of the nervous
system disorders - Meningitis
- Encephalitis
- Cerebral vascular accidents (Stroke)
- Unconsciousness (Coma)
- Poliomyelitis
Medical conditions of the Endocrine system
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Thyrotoxicosis
Pharmacology II
Specific antimicrobial agents
- Antibiotics
- Quinolones
- Anti-Tuberculous agents
- Anti-Helminths
- ARVs
- Antifungal agents
Medicines acting on specific body system
- Cardiovascular
- Gastro intestinal
- Respiratory system
- Urinary system
- Medicines acting on specific organs, eye,
ears, nose, throat - Dermatological medicines
- Hematological medicines
- Endocrine system medicines
- Central Nervous System medicines
Therapeutic agents
- Anti-neoplastic agents
- Analgesics
CN 222
- Surgical Nursing (ii) and Paediatric nursing(Ii)
Surgical Nursing (ll)
- Surgical conditions of the head
- Head Injury
- Surgical conditions of the neck
- Goitre
- Thyrotoxicosis/thyroidectomy
- Tonsillitis-Tonsillectomy
- Surgical conditions of the chest
- Trauma of the chest
- Lung abscess
- Pleural effusion
- Infection of the breast
- Breast cancer
Surgical conditions of the abdomen - Acute Abdomen
- Ruptured Spleen
- Ano-rectal Surgical conditions
- Perineal absess
- Anal Fistula and Anal Fissure
- Rectal prolapse
Surgical conditions of the genital urinary
system - Enlargement of Prostate Gland
- Urethral Strictures
- Genital urinary Trauma
- Common health problems during
childhood - Nature and causes of diseases
- Diseases of the respiratory system
- Conditions of the gastro-intestinal tract
- Diseases and conditions of cardiovascular
system - Diseases/illness of Central Nervous
System - Diseases and conditions of genito-urinary
tract - Endemic and epidemic diseases
- Tumors in children
- Conditions of the eyes and ears in children
- HIV/AIDS in children
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
- Surgical conditions in children
- Congenital malformations in children
- Fractures
- Burns
- Surgical conditions of the gastro-intestinal tract
- Children involved in accidents
- Provide first aid management of various accidents in children
- Admit children involved in accidents
- Educate mothers on prevention of accidents
CN 223
- Mental health nursing and Occupational health
Mental health nursing
- Concepts of mental health and mental
illness - Classification of mental illnesses
- Etiological factors of mental illness
- General signs and symptoms of mental
illnesses - Assessment of the mentally ill
- Referral system
- Nurse- patient relationship
- Therapeutic environment
- Therapeutic modalities in psychiatry
(Psychological and Physical therapies) - Common functional psychiatric disorders
- Common organic mental disorders
- Substance/alcohol abuse
Occupational health
- Types of occupational health hazards
- Occupational health hazards in different
work places - Prevention and control of occupational
health hazards - Role of a nurse in prevention of
occupational health hazards in work
places - Healthcare waste management
- Injection safety methods
- Workers compensation Act
224: Practicals
Year Three Semester One
- CN 311: Tropical Medicine and Surgical nursing lll
Tropical Diseases/communicable diseases
- Introduction to communicable diseases
- Measles
- Malaria
- Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
- Helminthic diseases (Intestinal worms)
- Onchocerciasis (River blindness)
- Schistosomiasis
- Elephantiasis (Bancroftian Filariasis)
- Dracunculosis (Guinea worm)
- Typhoid Fever
- Dysentery
- Cholera
- Brucellosis
- Ebola
- Yellow Fever
- Mumps (Parotiditis)
- Chicken Pox
- Rabies, Tetanus
Surgical nursing lll
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions
Eye conditions
CN 312
- Reproductive health, Guidance and Counseling
Reproductive Health
- Pillars of safe motherhood
- Methods of family planning
- Management of STI’s/HIV/AIDS
- Adolescent health and development
- Adolescent and reproductive health
- Adolescent friendly health services
- Post abortion care
- Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
- Signs and symptoms of labor
- Management of 2rd stage of labor
- Management of 3rd stage of labor
- Care of a baby’s cord
- Health education of mothers
- Referral system for mothers
- Signs and symptoms of 3rd stage of labor
- Management of 3rd stage of labor
- Examination of placenta
- Health education of mothers
- Referral system
- Identification of mothers at risk and
their referral
Guidance and Counseling
- Introduction to Guidance and Counselling
- Counselling procedure and Techniques
- Communication in guidance and counseling
- Group counseling
- Ethical codes in counselling
CN 313
- Health Service Management and Entrepreneurship
Health Service Management
- Commonly used concepts used in Health Service Management
- Uganda Health Sector
- Leadership in Healthcare delivery
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Management roles in a health facility
- Motivation
- Delegation
- Conflict resolution
- Team Building
- Decision-making and critical thinking
- Communication in health care
- Customer care
- Public relations in health service delivery
- Management of health facility resources
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship skills
- Setting up a Business
- Business opportunities
- Types of business enterprises
- Business competition
- Marketing Health Services
- Business sustainability and growth
- Monitoring and evaluating a